• Drawing & Talking and Emotional Interventions

    Drawing and Talking is the number one alternative to CBT and direct talking therapies, that can often be confronting or limiting in the processing of pain or trauma. It is an attachment-based therapeutic intervention that can be run in schools, Nurture groups, or community settings and is designed to complement CAMHS and other specialist therapies. It runs over a timetabled period of 12 weeks - each session is 45 minute in length. Drawing enables a child to express, in a visual form, worries and preoccupations they would not be able to talk about.

    I tailor-make interventions to support children struggling with bereavement, anxiety and trauma, helping children to unpack the past for a more positive future.

  • Sand Play

    Sand Play is a form of therapeutic play which has the emotional wellbeing of the child as its main objective. It can be used to alleviate slight to moderate emotional problems. It is a one to one intervention using the sandbox and figures as communication tools. It is especially well suited for working with younger children who often cannot express their feelings in words. With the help of the sand tray, children can begin to understand the connection between the world they create in sand and their own inner world. By making changes to their make-believe world they may feel empowered to make similar changes in their real world.

  • 1:1 Learning Support

    For some children, the pace of learning in the classroom can be too fast or they may have missed grasping some vital building blocks in learning, resulting in them struggling to read, write or engage in maths learning the same as their peer group. The longer these skills go unsupported the more learning can be missed; the child may then also suffer emotional difficulties and a downward spiral can start. Tailor-made one to one interventions can not only help close the attainment gap but can also focus on encouraging a child to become a more resilient learner through working on strategies to support future success. I offer tailor-made interventions to support reading, writing and maths.